Over the past few months, ¹û¶³´«Ã½app has seen several retirements and career pivots, leaving key and critical roles to fill.

After multiple employment postings, interviews, and evaluations, the institution welcomes the following individuals to the ¹û¶³´«Ã½app campus and congratulates all those who have been promoted:

Thomas Feazell - Asst. Football Coach

Michael Stannard - Offensive Line Coach

Teri Williams - Practical Nursing Instructor

Cynthia Williams Roberson - Dir. of Research, Assessments, & Strategic Initiatives

Stanley Lang - Industrial Training Coordinator

Dwylette Jones - Admissions Clerk

Cherry Lockett - Director of Library & Learning Services

Roosevelt Johnson - Custodian

Charles Barnes - Shipping & Receiving Clerk

Nicole Moore - Asst. Director of Student Engagement

LaShun Sims - Campus Police Officer

Shemika Washington - Adjunct Practical Nursing Instructor

Meta Anderson - Practical Nursing Instructor

Jessica Robinson - Practical Nursing Instructor

Dr. Annie Hankins - Practical Nursing Program Director

Kevin Hopson - Payroll Officer

Tracey Smith - Coordinator of Financial Services

Shelia Carter - Academic Counselor

Jasalyn Lucas - Communication Specialist

Patrick Ray - Financial Aid Counselor

Santana Lee - Senior Financial Aid Counselor

Jade Patrick - Asst. Women's Basketball Coach


¹û¶³´«Ã½app President Dr. Valmadge T. Towner shared that it is never easy seeing those who served the institution well move on, but it's part of the process.

"Annual employee attrition due to retirement brings mixed feelings. You selfishly regret to see efficient colleagues leave, but you eventually come to a point in which you are happy for our retiring colleagues and their families as they begin to hopefully enjoy the next season in their lives. On the other hand, there is a hefty level of anxiety that accompanies the process of seeing friends retire," said Towner.

In a recent report by HupSpot.com, it was noted that in 2021, the overall turnover rate across industries was 57.3% — but that drops to just 25% when considering voluntary turnover alone.

Specifically, at Coahoma, multiple retirements institution-wide left a great need to fill the gaps for continuity of services.

"Fortunately, we have been successful in securing some well-qualified, experienced, and passionate successors in the form of new employees," said Towner. "The pursuit to follow and implement the mission of our institution shall continue and perhaps at higher levels as our new employees will stand on the shoulders of their predecessors. We look forward to working with our new employees as well as seeing great results from each new employee. They come to us from varying backgrounds, experiences and will serve our students in different capacities. We vow to support them and give them the resources that they will need in order to be successful."

The institution is pleased to enter the 2022 fall semester better postured to serve its students. For a full listing of current ¹û¶³´«Ã½app job opportunities, visit www.coahomacc.edu/employee-services/jobs/index.html.